May 31, 2017

Trademadesure Approach

Trademadesure is a mediation service on line. We mediate because of our expert knowledge of what we are proposing to mediate. Our evolution has come from our experience on the ground and this is bound to grow (both horizontally and vertically) as the time passes by. We start with a focus on Secondary/Scrap metals and intent to be offering more opportunities in varied and diversified sector.

It will be live in the beginning of 2018.

Our approach to trade of recyclable material is as it needs, nothing less and nothing more

Online trades in scrap metals has its share of both achievements and disasters. Multiple online websites like alibaba or have illuminated and attracted thousands to the scrap trade but have also incentivised fake and scrupulous fraudsters because of easy access. We intent to drive the scrap trade within boundaries of safety and trust and also do not want to loose on the efficiency that is provided by the online mechanics.

We have learnt over the years that Trust , Reliability and Ethics are cornerstone in a trade especially when it goes international. The key reasons for uncertainty and caution are

  • Buyers and Sellers are located in different countries and often in different continents and travel is still prohibitive in terms of time and cost.
  • Metal has high intrinsic value and can be sold by anyone anywhere This leads to unethical practices in terms of theft and fraud. Commercial norms like “Upfront payment required from buyers” has been misutilised very often by fake entities
  • Metal scrap howsoever well defined it may be is vulnerable to quality disputes.

TradeMadeSure adopts a three-pronged approach to deliver the benefits

We intent to provide a seamless and trusted solution to all those who are real, genuine, they could be small or big but one who are keen to embark an overseas expansion or who intent to work hesslefree in the international trade space.

Efficient and agile Market Place

TradeMadeSure retains the informal and quick approach of the trader on the ground, at the same time assures a conservative and concerned trader. Traders and organizations will see at TradeMadeSure the hassle free and quickness of local trade and will be able to avail the advantage of the global market.

TradeMadeSure will instantly enhance your market territory by increasing your options of whom to Sell to and Who to Buy from. It will facilitate you to offer and bid in the most competitive and safe environment. The Participants are added only through references and are those who are real and have a reputation to rely upon.

Seamless and Efficient Logistics

Prohibitive costs or exhaustive processes involved in organizing logistics kill the spirit of many who wanted to go global. The movement of material, the terms of the shipping line, the insurance costs, the surprises of detentions is all what keep even the well intented businesses also away from the international adventure

TradeMadeSure intents to harness the united power to negotiate with the operators like shipping line and secure economic and commercial efficiencies for all participants. A digital tracker keeps the transactional timelines in check and thus saves leakages. A seamless view of whole trade keeps compliance aspects of trade very well manageable.

Transactional and documentation admin

Seamless communication and documentation at all stages of trade and between buyer(s) and seller(s) makes the whole exercise integrated, complete and economical. The traders can focus on the market place where as the admin staff can pick up to manage documents from where the trader leaves.

Stakeholder and Participation

Participation on Trademadesure is only by invitation to ensure there are enough references and history available for every participant.They will grow at TradeMadesure steadily and with assurance

Who will benefit:

  • End users
  • Producers/Processors of Scrap
  • Traders
  • Brokers/Indentors
  • Logistics

Besides providing the core services of providing a active, assured and competitive market place, will also look to provide following value added services through the same website.

Value Added / Facilitation Services

  • Material movement risks cover
  • Forex and Commodity hedging
  • Claims management
  • Quality Inspection
  • Market Analysis
  • Financing
  • Recycling Machinery advisory
  • Laboratory examination services
  • Credit risks cover